Monday, August 20, 2007

Wag the blog

I've been following the exploits of Lucky and Flo -- two black labrador retrievers trained to sniff out hidden stashes of potentially pirated DVDs in Malaysia -- for months now, and I found out today that they're coming to New York City. This is exciting for several reasons. Except for a delinquent stint in college, I don't download illegal music or movies, and as a musician and music-lover, I support only legally acquired tunes. And I love dogs. And Malaysia. And DVDs. Yes, I know Lucky and Flo's impact on the global piracy problem may be a mere drop in the ocean, but it's encouraging (in a bizarre kind of way) to know that the price on their heads proved they were doing something right. Who knows what they will or will not be able to do in NYC, where peddlers will offer you pirated DVDs while you ride the subway. All I know is if I see them on the street, I'm buying each of them a hotdog.

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