Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Falling water

Today was wet. It rained throughout the day and into the early evening, and even though were clots of tourists unflappably trudging around NoLIta, one look inside the jewelry and clothing boutiques on Mott Street told me that the proprietors weren't expecting stellar sales. On days like today, I try to stay indoors for as long as possible, but I still had to leave the office at 1:00 PM for lunch. I have one of those compact umbrellas that close themselves at the push of a button -- it cost me $25 at Macy's, which is much more than I'd spend on a black folding umbrella, but it works better and has lasted longer than anything else I've used. Once, I bought a $5 umbrella from the umbrella woman at the corner of Prince and Broadway (she's known as the umbrella woman because, well... she doesn't sell pirated DVDs, that's for sure). My $5 investment broke after two rainstorms. Don't buy anything from the umbrella woman.

It seemed to me, after living the last three years in the city, that it rains most in the months March through June, and then again in October and November. I've never been to Seattle, Washington, but if I had to make an uneducated guess, I'd say it rained in Seattle all the time, all year. I hate making uneducated guesses, so I looked it up.

Good thing I did. As it turns out, the likelihood of precipitation in NYC is almost equal regardless of what month it is. And in Seattle? Expect falling water between the months of November and January. These, and other interesting statistics, are found here.

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