Thursday, November 15, 2007

The running man

For the first time since high school, I'm seriously and soberly attempting to engage in some form of consistent exercise. You have to be motivated to find proper places to exercise in the middle of Manhattan, and joining a gym is an extravagance for me at this point. So I've done two things: I bought a proper pair of running shoes and will begin running outdoors, and I joined my office's league soccer team.

I've been living in sloth for the last few years; my only exercise used to consist of walking to and from work, and walking up and down the four flights of stairs in my apartment building. I don't have any serious health problems, but I did have to see a doctor earlier this year for a condition at least partially caused by lack of mobility and circulation.

So what's it like to run in NYC? Um, I'll write about it when I actually get around to it, but I will say this: New York is a runner's city (Runner's World magazine apparently rated it the third best American city for running, according to this site). This year's New York City Marathon was run merely eleven days ago, and yet I still see runners tearing up the sidewalk at all times of the day, and in all kinds of weather. The fools. The healthy fools.

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