Friday, March 28, 2008

Knife point

I normally don't recycle news stories, but this one is just plain special: A Bronx man got mugged on his way home from work, and, instead of calling the cops or shouting for help, offered to give the mugger his coat, then took him out to dinner. Read the story here, and be humbled.

By the way, being mugged can be demeaning at least and life-threatening at most. One of my old co-workers got mugged on the way home from work -- he was jumped by a small group of youths just a few blocks from his home in Brooklyn. They wanted his iPhone and his wallet, and took both forcibly, never giving him the chance to hand over the items himself.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I heard that story on NPR too. Amazing guy. Makes me want to be a better person.